Friday, September 21, 2012

Stepping Up

So the casting associate (who I work under) is out for the day, making me the associate (basically an assistant). Already I have hung up on someone, apparently re-printed something we didn't need, and told another assistant over the phone too much information.  These were all TINY problems that were fixed in a matter of seconds (calling back, recycle, and whoops), but when your boss gets used to a certain thing being done the exact same way all the time they are nervous when anything changes slightly (even if it isn't catastrophic).

Here is my advice to interns that have to step into a higher position for the day: don't freak out. My boss has already yelled at me three times in the last hour and I have just smiled, apologized, and moved on.  I've only been here a week, if I don't know something, well excuuuuuuse me. Just keep expressing when you don't know how to do something and ask questions. No one can fault you so might as well learn as much as you can. That being said, it's going to being a horrible day.

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